Creating a culture of engagement is much more than doing an annual “HR measure”. Engagement needs to be a continuous, holistic part of the entire business strategy. It needs to be the DNA of your company.
Like I wrote in “Don’t tell your employees that it’s your job to make them happy”, it’s not your job as a leader to make every single person in your company happy. It is your job though to create an organization that is fulfilling, meaningful and fun. An organization that makes people feel that they are part of something bigger.
I’m very aware that you can’t install an engaging culture overnight. But as always, everything starts with the first step. To help you get started, I’d like to share this easy and fun system with you:
Introduce a day to day sensing system. This gives you a daily look at how happy your people are. If you see a lot of red/unhappy faces, ask why. Find out what should be done to avoid this. |
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